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WallStreetBets' Gaming of GameStop Stock - What Happened and Is It Legal?

1h 2m

Created on March 11, 2021





Over the last several weeks, GameStop has likely bombarded your news as a result of its stock gaining unusual popularity among Reddit's WallStreetBets group. This course will cover the recent events of WallStreetBets' drive-up of GameStop stock, partly due to hedge funds' short selling of the stock, and RobinHood's halting of trading in the stock. You will learn about the objectives of securities regulation and gain an understanding of the specific rules for investors, both when they are acting individually and as a group, and investment advisers. The discussion will also explore future implications that could result from this episode.

Learning Objectives: 

  1. Gain an understanding of the objectives of securities regulation in regard to companies and investors

  2. Understand securities laws related to investing, including market manipulation, disclosure, and investment advice

  3. Examine rules for Investment Advisers and investors acting in a group

  4. Discuss investing activities that may conflict with securities regulations

  5. Explore the implications of market activity involving online communities

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