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Net-Neutrality: Past, Present, and Future

1h 2m

Created on January 29, 2015


This program, presented by Perkins Coie's Communications Industry Firmwide Chair, Marc Martin,  provides an overview of the law, regulation and politics of Net Neutrality.  Marc begins by providing an overview of what Net Neutrality is (and what it isn’t), where it came from, and where it is expected to go.  He will address the expected roles of the Federal Communications Commission, the Congress, the White House, the courts, and possibly the Federal Trade Commission.  He also address the potential global consequences of the U.S. adopting Net Neutrality.


Finally, Marc explains how Net Neutrality came about and its original intentions, and how an ill-fated FCC enforcement order put the FCC’s jurisdictional authority in question, and limits the choices the agency has before it as it tries to adopt a new approach. 


Learning Objectives:

I.       Understand how Net Neutrality came about and its original objectives

II.      Discuss how an FCC enforcement action put Net Neutrality on an uncertain legal path before the FCC began to adopt final rules

III.     Know how the DC Circuit’s second Net Neutrality decision limits the FCC’s jurisdictional authority

IV.     Learn the positions of the supporters and opponents, and the political backdrop

V.      Consider where Net Neutrality is likely headed as it continues to navigate the shoals of Washington and the courts

VI.     Apply what it may mean to various industries and business models

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