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Preparing for Liftoff: Legal Considerations when Launching an NFT Marketplace

1h 9m

Created on November 08, 2022





As the online world rapidly advances toward Web 3.0, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have earned their spot in this new net regime and proven that they are here to stay. The popularity of NFTs has led to a boom in new NFT marketplaces to meet the demand for diverse NFT content. This program aims to help those looking to establish a new NFT marketplace prepare for launch. Louis Lehot and Tiffany Young will provide an overview of key legal considerations of launching an NFT marketplace and discuss how operators of NFT marketplaces can prepare for these issues.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Review the basic functionalities offered by NFT marketplaces

  2. Examine key legal issues related to operating an NFT marketplace

  3. Discuss measures NFT marketplaces can take to mitigate risk associated with these issues

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