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Operator Liability Under U.S. Law for Claims by Crew and Spaceflight Participants


Created on August 20, 2018




This course addresses the seismic change in U.S. space law that took place in 2015 when the Federal Government created federal jurisdiction for space disputes and mandated a federal cross-waiver. This change raised significant and unresolved pre-emption, choice of law, and forum shopping issues.

Join attorney Maria-Vittoria Carminati for this unique course that addresses these issues by identifying analytical frameworks and possible outcomes. The course also includes a review of federal law, state law, and international law (where relevant).  

Learning Objectives:

  1. Dissect the contents of the 2015 Competitiveness Act
  2. Identify and applying the pre-emption issues raised by the Act
  3. Analyze the interplay between state and federal choice of law rules
  4. Address the jurisdictional gaps created by the FAA's partial jurisdiction over space activities

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