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On Demand

New York State Retail Liquor Licensing

2h 5m

Created on February 12, 2014



Under Section 2 of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law, it is necessary to regulate and control the manufacture, sale, and distribution of alcoholic beverages for the “purpose of fostering and monitoring temperance in the consumption and respect for and obedience to law.” From this, the State of New York has established the State Liquor Authority to issue and monitor liquor licenses within the State. 


In this program, attorney Donald Bernstein breaks down the procedural aspects of obtaining a liquor license in New York. Mr. Bernstein begins by discussing the regulations involved. From there, he explains the steps required in obtaining a license, including individual and premise requirements. Next, Mr. Bernstein will summarize the application process. The program concludes with a discussion on revocation, cancellations, and other penalties. 


Learning Objectives:

I.    Outline State regulations of liquor licenses and sales

II.   Recognize individual and premises that may not obtain licenses

III.  Summarize the application process

IV.  Identity revocations, cancellations, and other penalties 


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