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Navigating U.S. Center for SafeSport Cases: What You Need To Know

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The U.S. Congress designated the U.S. Center for SafeSport with the authority to address reports of sexual misconduct within the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic movement. The U.S. Center for SafeSport (“SafeSport”) was created by the U.S. Olympic Committee in March of 2017 as a wholly independent body to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct in Olympic National Governing Bodies. SafeSport was conceived to recognize, respond, and reduce misconduct in sports. Since its inception, SafeSport has engendered controversy and confusion about its authority and its procedures--this course will address both, particularly as it impacts parents, coaches and young athletes. 

This program will be taught by Carla Varriale, an attorney in private practice and an adjunct professor who teaches sports law and ethics at Columbia University’s School of Professional Studies’ Sports Management Program. She is a recognized expert in SafeSport matters with a litigation background in sexual abuse and molestation cases.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Examine the origins of the authority for SafeSport and its interplay with the Ted Steven Amateur and Olympic Sports Act in determining athlete rights
  2. Analyze the jurisdiction of SafeSport and the scope of its powers as set forth in the SafeSport Code
  3. Identify the key differences among SafeSport matters versus “traditional” civil or criminal matters, highlighting key procedural and the burden of proof distinctions, with a focus on the Response and Resolution Processes
  4. Discuss the forms of misconduct and abuse (including bullying, harassment, and physical and emotional abuse) encompassed in SafeSport matters
  5. Review reporting requirements, confidentiality concerns, and potential sanctions and the Centralized Disciplinary Database; and Assess “best practices” in handling a potential SafeSport matter 

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