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On Demand

Maximizing Damages in Illinois Personal Injury Cases

1h 2m

Created on April 27, 2018




Building and presenting a strong damages case is one of the most important aspects of trial for plaintiffs lawyers. To recover full and fair damages, trial lawyers must understand the various types of damages available for a particular injury, fully develop those damages through discovery with lay and expert testimony, and persuasively present those damages at trial.  

This program, presented by Chicago-based trial attorney Matthew Passen, will discuss some of the best practices for maximizing economic and non-economic damages in Illinois civil actions.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Explain various categories of damages in Illinois personal injury and wrongful death cases
  2. Discuss common legal and factual hurdles to recovering significant damages
  3. Provide recommendations for preparing and presenting lay and expert witnesses for damage testimony
  4. Discuss the effective use of demonstrative exhibits and other technology to maximize damages
  5. Offer practical recommendations for enhancing damages throughout all stages of trial

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