On Demand

Inclusive Onboarding for the Legal Workplace

1h 7m

Created on May 02, 2022




This course is part of the virtual event, Access to the Legal Profession: How Law Firms Can Break Down Barriers to the Pipeline. Access this course and more. Learn more


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is the hot-button topic at the forefront of recruiting, hiring, and retention efforts in both legal and non-legal spaces.  Employee onboarding and mentoring are important aspects of all industries, yet many companies fail to establish adequate procedures and environments to successfully accomplish both goals while navigating legal pitfalls. In this webinar, Khasim K. Lockhart and Alycia S. Tulloch will examine best practices for DEI-centered onboarding. This session will focus on DEI issues and opportunities that arise during the hiring and onboarding process, particularly with respect to candidate interviews, onboarding, and mentorship. 

This program will benefit individuals in any workplace.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Review specific laws at the onboarding stage targeted toward preventing discrimination of employees

  2. Identify interviewing dos and don'ts and their impact on the onboarding process

  3. Develop an inclusive and meaningful mentoring program during onboarding

  4. Recommend company-wide DEI compliant programs

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