On Demand

How Artificial Intelligence and Digital Reporting are Impacting the Litigation Landscape

1h 6m

Created on June 01, 2023





The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) tools and platforms across all industries has been rapid and game-changing. AI can transform the way professionals approach their work, from automating routine tasks to optimizing complex processes. How has AI begun to impact the practice of law and what will the future hold?

This program will explore the ways in which new technologies, specifically artificial intelligence and digital reporting, are revolutionizing the legal landscape. The panel of experts will discuss some of the current trends, explore the ins and outs of digital reporting, and discuss how the human element will remain critical when leveraging these technologies. From there, they'll take a deeper look at the role of the digital reporter and how they play a crucial part in legal proceedings to ensure an audible recording and a verbatim record is captured. Finally, the panelists provide practical advice for evaluating AI technology vendors and court reporting agency partners for your practice.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Discuss the evolution of AI in the legal profession
  2. Explore why the human factor will remain critical to mitigate potential risks 
  3. Review what digital reporting is, how it works, and how it can be used in legal proceedings 
  4. Debunk common misconceptions about digital reporting

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