On Demand

Foundational DEI Concepts: Defining Microaggressions


Created on October 19, 2021




This course is part of the virtual event, Theories On The Legal Profession's Lack of Diversity And Solutions For Change. Access this course and more. Learn more


Implicit bias is as ubiquitous as the air we breathe, and that bias, as well as the microaggressions that emerge from it, often undermines the goals of even the most well-intentioned organizations. During this engaging session, facilitator Ama Karikari-Yawson will utilize social science, and current events to provide participants with a greater understanding of foundational diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging concepts such as implicit bias and microaggressions. Audience members will learn how to identify biases, decrease microaggressions, and increase their level of cultural sensitivity in order to foster a more inclusive and effective workplace environment.



  1. Welcome and Introduction
  2. Defining DEIB, Explicit Bias, Implicit Bias, and Microaggressions
  3. How to Handle Microaggressions When They Occur Whether You Are a Perpetrator, Recipient, or Ally
  4. Questions and Answers
  5. Conclusion and Closing

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