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Ethically Improve Your Networking Skills


Created on September 22, 2019



Networking is one of the most important ways to grow your practice throughout your career, but many attorneys struggle to make the most of networking events. In addition, the types of often brief conversations that characterize networking interactions can lend themselves to ethical quandaries. In this program, Public Relations professional Janet Falk and attorney Stephanie Rodin will address the best practices of successful networking and guide you to stay within the bounds of the Rules of Professional Conduct.

Attorneys will learn why they should attend events hosted by business and professional organizations whose members are in their target markets, and how to make the most of their attendance. Viewers will learn to put themselves in the role of "curator of resources" and become a business matchmaker, introducing new contacts to those in the attorney's own network. The program will also provide a step-by-step guide to introducing yourself to the leaders of a host organization, whose members are likely referral sources and prospective clients, as well as tips on creating a memorable elevator pitch. Finally, viewers will prepare to ask problem and solution questions that will prompt new contacts to describe their business successes and ideal clients. All of this will be framed within the context of the model rules of professional responsibility, so attorneys can walk away confident that they can ethically put networking to work.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify the ethical issues involved in networking
  2. Grasp the ethical boundaries of referrals, solicitation, and recommendations
  3. Observe appropriate references to practice, specialty, and expertise
  4. Create a memorable elevator pitch that describes your practice
  5. Develop a system for preparation, attendance, and follow-up at networking events

This course originally appeared as a part of our September 2019 Bridge the Gap event. 

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