On Demand

Developing Resilience and Achieving Well-Being in Times of Challenge and Chaos

1h 1m

Created on May 03, 2021





The practice of law is a fast-paced, demanding profession and the level of acute and chronic stress is very high. This has only been exacerbated over the past year by pandemic-related changes that were forced upon the legal profession, and the "return to normal" must include a reckoning with the struggles and trauma of the last year. As we move forward from the pandemic, lawyers must learn to cultivate self-care to better serve their clients. This course help attorneys learn to become resilient so that they will not just survive but thrive in the practice of law and all domains of life.

The webinar will provide practical examples such as developing a mindfulness practice; using the "hardiness" personality trait to develop resilience; developing a gratitude practice to help manage chronic stress; how the use of breathing can short circuit acute stress; the use of cognitive flexibility to reframe and reappraise shocks to our system, and how some stress is actually good for you. Throughout the program hypothetical "case studies" will be used to bring the concepts to life.

This program will benefit all attorneys but will be particularly valuable for lawyers who serve as leaders and pacesetters at their firms. 

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify and understand what resilience and wellbeing mean for attorneys
  2. Explore current practices within the legal profession to address issues of stress management and well-being
  3. Develop strategies for building a culture of resilience and well-being plans for individuals, teams, and organizations

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