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Deposing Witnesses in Foreign Countries: Hurdles, Pitfalls, and Practice Tips

1h 6m

Created on February 06, 2018




This course, taught by Katherine Wyman and Gary Mennitt of Dechert LLP, will discuss the legal, logistical, and economic hurdles to taking the depositions of witnesses in foreign countries.

Foreign discovery rules and principles governing depositions may be vastly different than the rules and principles that govern discovery in U.S. state and federal courts, and U.S. attorneys should be prepared to adjust their deposition techniques accordingly. This program will highlight common challenges of obtaining deposition testimony from a foreign witness or U.S. witness located abroad, and include practical tips for how to manage these challenges.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Discuss challenges of obtaining usable testimony from a foreign party, foreign non-party, or U.S. national or resident located abroad
  2. Identify methods of obtaining testimony from a foreign party or non-party in the U.S. or in a foreign country
  3. Provide practical tips for taking an international deposition

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