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COVID-19 in the Workplace: An Updated Perspective for Employees and Employers

1h 1m

Created on May 18, 2021





It has been more than a year since COVID-19 has changed our world forever, and that includes significant impacts on the workplace. From renewed interest in physical accommodations and remote work, to increased emphasis on workplace health and safety and debates about the equity of paid sick leave, COVID-19 has spurred many changes.

We are at a critical juncture in the pandemic. With vaccination access increasing, America is racing towards reopening. As more and more employers prepare to open their doors, they must be mindful that COVID-19 has precipitated many changes to the way we interpret our laws and regulations. This program will address recent changes to federal, state, and local statutes, regulations, and enforcement mechanisms, from both the plaintiff and defense bar perspectives. It will also discuss some of the novel legal issues that have accompanied reopening, and shifts to how, when, and where work is done.

Presented by Iris Halpern and Susan Gross Sholinsky, this program will benefit lawyers advocating for or giving guidance to both employees and employers.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Canvass recent changes to federal, state, and local laws and regulations governing the workplace after more than a year of the COVID-19 pandemic

  2. Identify potential legal claims arising not only from COVID-19 but from cultural changes to the workplace resulting therefrom

  3. Learn about policies addressing topics such as health and safety in the workplace, nondiscrimination requirements, remote work, and COVID-19-related leaves of absence and sick time

  4. Discuss how employees and employers can best avoid COVID-19-related conflict

  5. Predict future trends in workplace litigation and legislation relating to, or resulting from, the COVID-19 pandemic

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