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Best Practices in the Representation of Professionals in Insurance Fraud Matters

1h 35m

Created on April 09, 2018




Representing professionals in healthcare and fraud matters is a constantly changing landscape. Recognizing the implications of local, state and federal regulatory systems is a complex analysis faced by practitioners in this expanding field. Understanding the dynamic between state and federal criminal statutes juxtaposed with state regulatory schemes is critical for attorneys to effectively represent their clients and to protect themselves from unwittingly placing themselves in harm's way.  A such, it is imperative that proceed with caution when contemplating advising or assisting a potential client on issues involving healthcare.

Join attorneys Evan Schwartz and Matthew Conroy for an update to this extremely popular course discussing the ethical landscape for lawyers working with clients on healthcare and fraud issues. Here, they discuss recent changes in state and federal regulations as well as current cases molding the landscape. Additionally, they explore lawyers' personal exposure under far-reaching federal civil and criminal laws such as conspiracy, asset seizure and forfeiture, and even money laundering.

Learning Objectives:
  1. Determine what constitutes healthcare fraud in the framework of federal and various state laws and regulations
  2. Identify and understanding the state and federal authorities involved in healthcare fraud oversight
  3. Address the confluence of state and federal regulatory, criminal and insurance laws
  4. Discuss practice strategies for identifying problems, using experts and practicing within the relevant ethical and disciplinary rules

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