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Back to Basics: Kickstarting Your Legal Marketing

1h 1m

Created on August 11, 2022





For many law firms, investing in marketing is not high on the totem pole of to-dos. Many practitioners rely on word-of-mouth referrals to fuel their business, and there is nothing wrong with using that approach as a starting point for business generation, but maintaining a consistent pipeline of work requires a longer-term marketing strategy. Many law firms don't know where to begin to attract new clients. From websites to ads to social media to speaking engagements, there are a lot of opportunities to get your name out there but often not enough hours in the day or money in the budget to do them all at once. 

In this program, attorneys will learn the foundational marketing elements they should invest in to set them up for long-term growth. This program is ideally suited for law firm leaders, especially in small and solo practices, but its principles can be applied to any attorney interested in developing their personal brand to generate business.

Learning Objectives:               

  1. Define your target clients and establish a plan to best reach them 

  2. Create a powerful brand identity that allows you to stand out in the legal marketplace 

  3. Identify the digital marketing assets that are most important and useful

  4. Establish timely and engaging thought leadership content around your areas of expertise

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