On Demand

Adjustment of Status vs Consular Proceedings (Update)

1h 1m

Created on March 19, 2019





Securing lawful permanent residence in the United States for a non-citizen is a difficult process, and immigration attorneys must pay a great deal of patience and attention. In this program, attorney Carla Prosper outlines a practical, nuts and bolts introduction to consular processing and adjustment of status, the two methods for obtaining an immigrant visa. First, the program reviews the eligibility requirements and governing rules of each procedure. Focusing on several relevant sections of the Immigration and Nationality Act, Ms. Prosper compares and contrasts consular processing and adjustment of status, and makes recommendations for choosing which procedure to use. This program will provide immigration attorneys with valuable skills to help their clients successfully obtain green cards and secure permanent resident status in the United States.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Summarize adjustment of status
  2. Differentiate eligibility & visa availability
  3. Understand consular processing
  4. Describe adjustment of status versus consular processing

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