On Demand

Enforcement of Arbitration Agreements in the Workplace: A National Survey

1h 31m

Created on September 14, 2020





Many employers require employees to enter into arbitration agreements as a condition of employment. Often there are questions about the validity, reach, and effect of agreements that require employees to pursue work-related claims in arbitration, and the practice has been litigated in front of the Supreme Court in recent years. This program, taught by Lauren M. Law and Sarah Slachetka will survey the enforcement of arbitration agreements within the context of employment throughout all fifty states.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Review state-level legislation and case law regarding the enforceability of workplace arbitration agreements

  2. Analyze national trends in the judiciary's approach to arbitration agreements

  3. Identify points of weakness in arbitration agreements

  4. Advise employers and employees on the enforceability of arbitration agreements

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